
We all have it or have had fear(s) in our life. Some fears are part of our DNA. Others are from events or trauma(S) we had exposure to. If you have kids you will know that kids have an array of fears that are actually classified as age appropriate. For instance, a few of them my kids suffered from were the dark, needles or shots, and thunder. But even though these examples are seen as “normal” or common fears what about the ones that just seem so irrational or ridiculous yet as parents and caretakers we want to shield our kids from having to endure them. I believe it has more to do with trust then protection. When a child trusts that they can vulnerable and accepted for who they are they can learn to face their fear(s) and overcome. Without shaming or dismissing we can teach them to trust themselves by modeling a healthy example of what being trustworthy looks and feels like.



